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I have been operating at Finance Director and above for more years than I would care to mention.

The first part of my career was spent in large networks looking after the finances of companies of all sizes. My two biggest roles were European CFO for a Media Network with 21 countries reporting in to me within a very small management team of two. The other big role was UK COO of an advertising group.

During my time working for large groups I was lucky enough to have early exposure to the entrepreneurial side of things. I helped new companies start up within the groups and played a key role in a number of turnaround situations. I also had my first taste of company acquisitions in Europe and the UK. I was even given an opportunity to run a small start-up company in New York from London.

Like many of us there came a time when group life was no longer for me and if I’m honest group life no longer wanted me.

I was lucky enough to have some friends who felt the same and to cut a long  story short I became a Founder of The Corner with three great people. 

That was early 2012, we grew very quickly, did some great work, had a great time, made some money and sold in late 2017. I left at the time of the sale. I could not get my head around having a boss and once again I don’t think any of my potential bosses would have been able to get their head around me. 

While the sale was progressing, myself and a friend talked about starting up a company that helped the type of company we both loved working with. We quickly became three, when a recent colleague joined and Cubed Vision was born. Please read about what we do.

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